Elizabeth Cooper

Standard Name: Cooper, Elizabeth,, d. 1761
Birth Name: Elizabeth Price
Married Name: Elizabeth Cooper
Used Form: Mrs Cooper
Elizabeth Cooper is an obscure, early eighteenth-century writer with considerable talent in the two very different fields of stage comedy (of which she wrote two and published one) and antiquarian research (which led her to edit the ground-breaking historical anthology The Muses Library).


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Thomas Chatterton
As well as a basic school education, the young TC (who had been thought slow as a small child) taught himself an astonishing range of abstruse subjects, mostly historical, by reading in circulating libraries and...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Mary Scott
MS expands Duncombe's list of Female Geniuses.
Scott, Mary, and Gae Holladay. The Female Advocate. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California, 1984.
She looks farther into the past for examples than he does. Whereas Duncombe begins with Orinda (Katherine Philips ), MS turns back to the Renaissance...


No timeline events available.


Oldys, William. The Muses Library. Editor Cooper, Elizabeth, d. 1761, J. Wilcox, T. Green, J. Brindley, and T. Osborn, 1737.
Cooper, Elizabeth, d. 1761. The Rival Widows. T. Woodward, 1735.