Sylvia Thornton

Standard Name: Thornton, Sylvia
Used Form: Sylvia (Braithwaite) Thornton


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Susannah Dobson
SD, along with the novelist Charlotte Lennox and Sylvia (Braithwaite) Thornton (the wife from 1768 of Bonnell Thornton), belonged to a network of devoted friends centred on Lydia, Lady Clerke.
Perry, Ruth et al. “Introduction”. Henrietta, edited by Ruth Perry et al., University Press of Kentucky, 2008.
Friends, Associates Charlotte Lennox
The legend that she had no female friends is further debunked by newly-discovered letters. She formed a close group with Lydia, Lady Clerke, Sylvia (Braithwaite) Thornton, and her fellow-writer Susannah Dobson. The...


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