Though it was never entirely forgotten, Lawless's writing did not fit the assumptions about what Irish literature should be
Hansson, Heidi. Emily Lawless 1845-1913: Writing the Interspace. Cork University Press, 2007.
in the first half of the twentieth century, and she was largely excluded from the...
Literary responses
Emily Lawless
More recently, critics have examined EL
's novels in the context of her feminism or proto-feminism (particularly Grania, discussed in articles by Gerardine Meaney
, Elizabeth Grubgeld
, and James M. Cahalan
), as...
Literary responses
Emily Lawless
Recent critics have also praised Grania, often though not always attributing to it a progressive politics. Gerardine Meaney
reads it as anything but proto-feminist, and as retrogressive
Meaney, Gerardine. “Decadence, Degeneration and Revolting Aesthetics: The Fiction of Emily Lawless and Katherine Cecil Thurston”. Colby Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 2, 2000, pp. 157-76.
in its ideas on Irish land...
Jennifer Johnston
This book was short-listed for the Booker Prize, but its author says that choice was a completely political thing,
Moloney, Caitriona et al. Irish Women Writers Speak Out: Voices From the Field. Syracuse University Press, 2003.
and that the book is in fact not very good.It was made into a film...
Textual Production
Emily Lawless
Collections of EL
's shorter works of fiction also appeared, including Plain Frances Mowbray, and Other Tales, 1889 (whose title story is set in Venice),
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
and Traits and Confidences, 1897, which James M. Cahalan
No timeline events available.
Cahalan, James M. Double Visions. Syracuse University Press, 1999.
Cahalan, James M. “Forging a Tradition: Emily Lawless and the Irish Literary Canon”. Colby Quarterly, Vol.