Helen Hunt Jackson

Standard Name: Jackson, Helen Hunt


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Emily Dickinson
Other friendships for ED included those with literary men such as Thomas Wentworth Higginson , Samuel Bowles (editor of the Springfield Republican), and Josiah Holland . Elizabeth Holland , wife of Josiah and his...
Intertextuality and Influence Emily Dickinson
Because of the extent to which ED 's concentrated and elusive verse, as well as her dissent from religious and social orthodoxies, seem to presage modernism, she has been considered the sole serious writer among...
Literary responses Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The book was published to ridicule and condemnation from the New York Sun and the Chicago Herald,
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler. The Worlds and I. Gay and Hancock, 1918.
but five hundred citizens of Milwaukee united for an evening of honorific reading of EWW 's...
Reception Emily Dickinson
In reviewing the volume (anonymously) Helen Hunt Jackson singled out ED 's contribution as undoubtedly one of the finest and strongest wrought things in it. She reprinted the poem in her review.
qtd. in
Phillips, Kate. Helen Hunt Jackson: a Literary Life. University of California Press, 2003.
Textual Production Emily Dickinson
Her friend and fellow-writer Helen Hunt Jackson begged ED 's consent to send this poem to the editor. She continued after this to press Dickinson to keep writing and to publish more.
Phillips, Kate. Helen Hunt Jackson: a Literary Life. University of California Press, 2003.


By Summer 1884: Helen Hunt Jackson, activist on behalf of...

Writing climate item

By Summer 1884

Helen Hunt Jackson , activist on behalf of native Americans, published her novel Ramona, set in California, only a little more than a year before her death of cancer.
American National Biography. http://www.anb.org/articles/home.html.


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