English Short Title Catalogue. http://estc.bl.uk/.
Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia
Standard Name: Elizabeth,, Queen of Bohemia
Used Form: Elisabeth, Queen of Bohemia
Used Form: Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Dedications | Mary Carleton | According to critic Mihoko Suzuki
, The Case incorporates two portraits of its protagonist. The same plate was apparently used in two versions, one revised as to the hairstyle and ageing of the face. One... |
Dedications | Dorothy Leigh | DL
's The Mothers Blessing was entered in the Stationers' Register. It was published the same year, with one dedication to Elizabeth of Bohemia
and another to Leigh's three sons. |
Fictionalization | Aphra Behn | AB
has been repeatedly fictionalised in recent years. Ross Laidlaw
published in 1992 a fiction, Aphra Behn—Dispatch'd from Athole, which added a coda to her life. In his story Gilbert Burnet
enlists her to... |
Friends, Associates | Bathsua Makin | She was also part of an international network of scholarly women with connections to Elizabeth of Bohemia
, which included Anna Maria van Schurman
, feminist writer Marie le Jars de Gournay
, educator Marie du Moulin |
Friends, Associates | Anne Conway | He was an important influence on her chemical and biological thinking, and introduced her to the ideas of the Quakers and the study of kabbalism. Through him she became acquainted also with Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia |
Friends, Associates | Anna Maria van Schurman | Visiting AMS
became a custom among cultivated people travelling in or to Utrecht. She met Elizabeth, Princess Palatine
(daughter of the Queen of Bohemia
), and became a friend and correspondent of a network of... |
Material Conditions of Writing | Anna Hume | AH
mentions finding the manuscript of The History of the Houses of Douglas and Angus when she returned from elsewhere to my Countrey, which might mean Scotland or more precisely the family estate. She... |
Reception | Lady Eleanor Douglas | The burning was ordered by Archbishop Laud
and the Court of High Commission
, in spite of support for LED
from Charles I
's sister, Queen Elizabeth of Bohemia
was sentenced to imprisonment... |
Textual Production | Carola Oman | CO
issued her next historical biography, Elizabeth of Bohemia, about the Scottish-born Electress Palatine who was a great patron and a force in European politics during the seventeenth century. Elizabeth Hamilton
had planned... |
Textual Production | Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger | EOB
pursued the topic of lives of female monarchs in Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia
, Daughter of King James the First. This book was listed as preparing for publication in the... |
Textual Production | Selina Bunbury | Coombe Abbey: An Historical Tale of the Reign of James the First, a story about the kidnapping of the young Elizabeth of Bohemia
that was planned to accompany the gunpowder plot of 1605, became... |
Textual Production | Elizabeth Hamilton | This was published at Bath and London. EH
did serious historical research for this book, reading all the Roman history she could find in English and even commissioning translations. There was already women's work... |
Travel | Elizabeth Richardson | Lady Asburnham (later ER
) travelled to the Hague in the retinue of Elizabeth of Bohemia
. Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/. |
Between December 1612 and February 1613: Parthenia or The Maydenhead was the first...
Building item
Between December 1612 and February 1613
Parthenia or The Maydenhead was the first book of music for the virginals printed in England.
Guy, John. “The Tudor Age (1485-1603)”. Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, edited by Kenneth O. Morgan, Oxford University Press, 1984, pp. 223-85.
English Short Title Catalogue. http://estc.bl.uk/.
14 February 1613: Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of James I, married...
National or international item
14 February 1613
Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of James I
, married Frederick, Elector Palatine
of the Rhine: known as Elizabeth of Bohemia
or the Winter Queen, she was a great patron of women writers in English.
Lee, Sophia. The Recess. Editor Alliston, April, University Press of Kentucky, 2000.
352n23, 21
1644: The French philosopher René Descartes published...
Building item
The French philosopher René Descartes
published his Principia philosophiae, dedicated to Elizabeth of Bohemia
Franck, Irene, and David Brownstone. Women’s World: A Timeline of Women in History. HarperCollins; HarperPerennial, 1995.
No bibliographical results available.