Arthur Collier

Standard Name: Collier, Arthur,, junior


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Jane Collier
Her elder brother, another Arthur Collier , a lawyer, was a support to Jane in her literary career, but a liability financially. Her other brother, Charles, was a naval captain.
Keymer, Tom. “Jane Collier, Reader of Richardson, and the Fire Scene in <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Clarissa</span&gt”;. New Essays on Samuel Richardson, edited by Albert J. Rivero, Macmillan; St Martin’s Press, pp. 141-61.
Instructor Hester Lynch Piozzi
Miss Salusbury grew up not in Wales but in London and at Offley Park in Hertfordshire, the estate of her rich uncle. Her various teachers and tutors included Jane Collier 's brother Arthur ...
Instructor Sarah Fielding
While at SalisburySF attended Mrs Rookes's boarding school there, and was later tutored in Latin and Greek by Arthur Collier . Her lifelong friendships with Arthur's sister Jane and with James Harris (with both...
Publishing Elizabeth Carter
The book had gone to press in June 1757.
Feminist Companion Archive.
The original press run of 1,018 copies had to be supplemented with a further 250. First of several more editions was the Dublin one of the...
Residence Jane Collier
JC was living with her brother Arthur and her mother in lodgings in Doctors' Commons, London.
Keymer, Tom. “Jane Collier, Reader of Richardson, and the Fire Scene in <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Clarissa</span&gt”;. New Essays on Samuel Richardson, edited by Albert J. Rivero, Macmillan; St Martin’s Press, pp. 141-61.
145 and n25
Textual Production Elizabeth Tollet
ET had required in her will that her executors should with all convenient Speed after my decease publish and Print my Writings in Verse together with those already printed by Mr Clark at the Royal Exchange


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