Alison Lee
's book on AC
calls her an intellectual writer, whose novels refer to many literary, critical, and musical works, including the social and anthropological theories of Roland Barthes
, Claude Levi-Strauss
, and...
Intertextuality and Influence
Angela Carter
Lorna Sage
noted that South America is an apt setting for this novel, since the essays and stories of Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges
show a similar blending of the fantastical and the documentary (...
Literary responses
Angela Carter
At the very end of her life, AC
still felt that she was unrecognised,
Gamble, Sarah. Angela Carter. A Literary Life. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
perhaps because of her uncompromisingly left-wing politics. At the same time it made her rather miserable to think that...
Literary responses
Angela Carter
Anthony Burgess
praised AC
for doing something in this novel which she did in later ones as well: looking at the mess of contemporary life without flinching.
Marc O'Day
suggests that this second novel of AC
's Bristol trilogy(which won the life-changing Somerset Maugham Award in 1969)
Contemporary Authors. Gale Research, 1962–2025, Numerous volumes.
Peach, Linden. Angela Carter. St Martin’s Press, 1998.
explores the countercultural mind and lifestyle of the mid-1960s, but notes that...
Material Conditions of Writing
Angela Carter
This novel was published the same year that AC
was diagnosed with cancer. Critic Alison Lee
notes the poignancy of one character's statement: Only untimely death is a tragedy.
Lee, Alison. Angela Carter. Twayne, 1997.
Textual Features
Angela Carter
Alison Lee
has commented on the novel's verbal pyrotechnics. Its baroque language seems to create cracks in the structure of the real world, indicating that there are always several perceptions of any situation.
Lee, Alison. Angela Carter. Twayne, 1997.
Textual Features
Angela Carter
According to Marc O'Day, this novel is the third and last of AC
's Bristol trilogy. Two of the self-absorbed characters forming the lethal love-hate triangle are half-brothers Lee and Buzz (the latter illegitimate)...