Grace Lady Gethin

Standard Name: Gethin, Grace,,, Lady


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Lady Norton
Grace, Lady Gethin , daughter of Frances, Lady Norton , died in London at the age of twenty-three, only ten months after her wedding.
Freke, Elizabeth. The Remembrances of Elizabeth Freke, 1671-1714. Editor Anselment, Raymond A., Cambridge University Press for the Royal Historical Society, 2001.
67 and n97
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Freke
EF 's sister Frances married Sir George Norton , and published writing both by herself and (posthumously) by her daughter Grace, Lady Gethin .
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Lady Norton
Frances, Lady Norton , bore her daughter and only surviving child, who was christened Grace ; the godmothers were Norton's sister Elizabeth Freke and her mother-in-law, who had re-married after her husband's death and was...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Lady Norton
Grace Norton , the only child of Frances, Lady Norton , was privatly marryed at St Mary Magdalen's Church in London to an Irish baronet, Sir Richard Gethin , her exact contemporary, who had estates...
Leisure and Society Elizabeth Freke
EF owned more than a hundred books: well known religious texts, a famous French romance (Gauthier de la Calprenède 's Cassandra, English translation 1652), the publications of her sister, Frances Norton and her...
Textual Features Frances Lady Norton
Memento Mori has a frontispiece depicting Lady Gethin 's happy death. In her dedicatory epistle, FLN says that Gethin was not only my Only One, but in all Particulars an Extraordinary One.
Norton, Frances, Lady. Memento Mori. J. Graves, 1705.
The body...
Textual Features Elizabeth Ogilvy Benger
EOB writes in terms of a women's tradition: for instance, she praises Barbauld for praising Elizabeth Rowe . She makes confident judgements and attributions (she is sure that Lady Pakington is the real author of...
Textual Features Barbara Hofland
Sophia begins by feeling much too much, but becomes exemplary. On her last page BH uses the word helpful
qtd. in
Feminist Companion Archive.
as a neologism, citing as authority for it Frances, Lady Norton (who published two works early...
Textual Production Frances Lady Norton
Frances, Lady Norton , published a beautifully-produced volume in memory of her deceased daughter, Grace, Lady Gethin , its compiler: Misery's Virtues Whetstone. Reliquiae Gethinianae.
This is dated from J. M.'s dedication.
English Short Title Catalogue.
Textual Production Frances Lady Norton
The title of the omnibus volume (paginated straight through) is The Applause of Virtue: in four parts. Book I. Consisting of several Divine and Moral Essays towards the obtaining of True Virtue. Memento Mori. Book...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Judith Sargent Murray
She backs this pleasure in modernity with a remarkable grasp of former female history and of the women's literary tradition in English and its contexts. She mentions the Greek foremother Sappho , the patriotic heroism...


No timeline events available.


Gethin, Grace, Lady. Misery’s Virtues Whetstone. Editor Norton, Frances, Lady, Printed by D. Edwards for the author, 1699.