Edward Lloyd

Standard Name: Lloyd, Edward


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer James Malcolm Rymer
Meanwhile, under a multitude of pen names, JMR quickly became one of the most prolific writers of popular fiction in mid-century Britain.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
He experienced quick success with Varney the Vampire, and moved his family...
Friends, Associates James Malcolm Rymer
The publication dates of Adeline; or, The Grave of the Forsaken in 1841 and Vileroy in 1841/42 (if the attribution is correct) suggest that JMR and Lloyd may have met before this at the Mechanics' Institute
Publishing James Malcolm Rymer
The speed at which bloods were produced at Lloyd 's presses, described by E. F. Bleiler as akin to devils flying back and forth between desk and typecast, did not allow for much external editing—if...
Publishing James Malcolm Rymer
Serialized in Lloyd's Penny Weekly Miscellany, JMR 's Ada the Betrayed, or, The Murder of the Old Smithy not only launched Edward Lloyd 's journal but quickly became the lead serial that year.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Anglo, Michael. Penny Dreadfuls and Other Victorian Horrors. Jupiter, 1977.
Publishing James Malcolm Rymer
First published in Lloyd 's The People's Periodical and Family Library, JMR 's story then called A String of Pearls but later more usually Sweeney Todd, went on to become possibly the most...
Reception James Malcolm Rymer
The hastiness of Varney's ending is usually attributed a sudden command from Lloyd to wrap things up; critics supoose that JMR had probably already written an ending which he then simply submitted.
Rymer, James Malcolm. “Introduction”. Varney the Vampyre; or, The Feast of Blood, Part 1, edited by E. F. Bleiler, Dover, 2015, p. i - xv.
Anglo, Michael. Penny Dreadfuls and Other Victorian Horrors. Jupiter, 1977.
Reception James Malcolm Rymer
Where Dickens 's Oliver remains well known to modern-day readers, JMR 's Ada, who is virtually unknown today, is hailed by Anglo as having once been probably the most famous of all penny fictions heroines...
Textual Production James Malcolm Rymer
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography assigns to this year one of the earliest of JMR 's penny liners published by Edward Lloyd : Adeline, or, The Grave of the Forsaken. A Domestic Romance...
Textual Production James Malcolm Rymer
Aside from his rewarding partnership as writer with Edward Lloyd as periodical editor, Rymer also edited a number of periodicals, including the Queen's Magazine (begun in 1842, not continued long) and Lloyd' s Weekly Miscellany...


1833: Edward Lloyd, trained as a stenographer at...

Writing climate item


Edward Lloyd , trained as a stenographer at a Mechanics Institute, established his own publishing firm with the appearance of Lloyd's Stenography, written, published, and promoted by himself.
Rose, Jonathan, and Patricia J. Anderson, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 106. Gale Research, 1991.
106: 173-4


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