George Fraser

Standard Name: Fraser, George,, d. 1833
Used Form: George Lionel Fraser


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Matilda Charlotte Houstoun
Having become engaged at sixteen, Matilda Charlotte Jesse was still very young when she married the Rev. George Lionel Fraser , who was some years older and was probably at this time vicar of Kinlet...
Friends, Associates Matilda Charlotte Houstoun
Because her husband , like her father , was well-connected, MCH was introduced to a number of significant literary and social figures. She had vivid memories of meeting Henry Hallam , Samuel Rogers , and...
Health Matilda Charlotte Houstoun
Following her first husband 's death, Matilda Charlotte Fraser (later MCH ) grieved in seclusion for some years.
Black, Helen C. Notable Women Authors of the Day. D. Bryce.


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