AF's father, born Francis Aungier (Frank) Pakenham, was an Oxford academic whose subject was politics. He became the seventh Earl of Longford in 1961, but he had already been made Baron Pakenham by Clement Attlee
Pamela Hansford Johnson
Her starting point was writing a Sunday Telegraph report of the trial at Chester of the Moors murderers, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.
Textual Features
Fleur Adcock
The new poems at the end of this volume evidence the power and versatility that FA had reached by now. They include poems about death, dreams, erotic feeling, tiny incidents in her own and others'...
Textual Features
Ruth Rendell
The protagonist, Stephen, is a furniture restorer by trade, but he also writes newspaper columns featuring the moor, which he thinks about incessantly and explores in his free time. Stephen believes that his mother, who...
27 April 1966: Ian Brady and Myra Hindley went on trial...
Building item
27 April 1966
Ian Brady and Myra Hindley went on trial at Chester for the sexual assault and murder of five girls and boys aged between ten and seventeen; they were sentenced to life imprisonment.
“Moors Murderer Hindley Dies”. BBC News, 16 Nov. 2002.