Stephen Wozniak

Standard Name: Wozniak, Stephen
Used Form: Steve Wozniak


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21 June 1975: Stephen Wozniak, in the course of designing...

Building item

21 June 1975

Stephen Wozniak , in the course of designing what became the Apple 1 for what became the company Apple Computers , first typed a character on a keyboard and saw it appear on a screen.

April 1976: The home computer Apple 1 made its debut...

Writing climate item

April 1976

The home computer Apple 1 made its debut at the Homebrew Computer Club in Palo Alto, California. Designed by Steve Wozniak , it was mounted on a wooden stand, its component parts not covered but visible.

16 April 1977: Only a year after the release of Apple I,...

Building item

16 April 1977

Only a year after the release of Apple I, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs of Apple Computers launched the Apple II, one of the first successful and popular personal computers.
Aley, Jim. “Apple founder dead at 56. Apple and Jobs: The Early Years”. Edmonton Journal, p. A20.


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