Edith Evans

Standard Name: Evans, Edith


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Enid Bagnold
During the Second World War EB became friendly with photographer Cecil Beaton (with whom she exchanged plays), Lady Diana Cooper , and actress Dame Edith Evans . Later she also became a friend of MGM
Occupation Hélène Barcynska
As well as devoting steady time and effort to her writing, HB founded a theatre company which she called Rogues and Vagabonds Repertory Players , because she discovered the Welsh theatre culture and thought they...
Performance of text Enid Bagnold
While the play was in development, EB quarrelled with the director over changes to the script and his interpretation of various scenes, and made several suggestions of her own to Margaret Leighton on how to...
Performance of text Enid Bagnold
Following its success on Broadway, EB 's play The Chalk Garden, began its impressive twenty-three-month run at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket , directed by John Gielgud and starring Peggy Ashcroft and Edith Evans .
Billington, Michael. Peggy Ashcroft, 1907-1991. Mandarin, 1991.
Sebba, Anne. Enid Bagnold: The Authorized Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1986.
Reception Enid Bagnold
The Chalk Garden remains EB 's best-known work. While it has had frequent revivals by amateur and professional companies, Bagnold was disappointed that the National Theatre never expressed interest in reviving it, an omission she...


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