Lisa Jardine

Standard Name: Jardine, Lisa


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Literary responses Mary Wesley
Critic Lisa Jardine noted that this book was grounded in a particular emotional intensity of life in England during the Second World War.
qtd. in
Marnham, Patrick. Wild Mary: the Life of Mary Wesley. Chatto and Windus, 2006.
Textual Production Jackie Kay
JK wrote one of the two introductions for the Vintage classics edition of Virginia Woolf's Between the Acts; a second introduction was written by academic Lisa Jardine.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.


22 October 2002: The Booker Prize was awarded for the first...

Writing climate item

22 October 2002

The Booker Prize was awarded for the first time as the Man Booker Prize, its sponsorship having passed to the Man Group, a Canadian venture capital company.
“Booker Prize 2002”. Guardian Unlimited.


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