Francis Wyndham

Standard Name: Wyndham, Francis


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Jean Rhys
Her will expressed her desire that no one should write her biography unless she had authorised it during her lifetime. None was authorised, so her wish was effectively a posthumous ban. Francis Wyndham , editor...
Family and Intimate relationships Ada Leverson
The author and critic Francis Wyndham is AL 's grandson.
Lee, Hermione. “From the Margins: Hermione Lee on Penelope Fitzgerald”. The Guardian, 3 Apr. 2010, pp. Review 1 - 3.
Literary responses Ada Leverson
The reviewer for British Book News felt that the appeal of AL 's works lay in the grace of their prose, the wit of their dialogue, and the rich elegance of their period [Edwardian] setting...
Literary responses Agatha Christie
In 1945 Edmund Wilson in Who Cares Who Killed Roger Ackroyd dismissed Christie's style as unreadable because of its mawkishness and banality, her plotting as mere sleight-of-hand, and her characters as two-dimensional puppets manipulated...
Literary responses Elizabeth Jane Howard
EJH had a cool, but friendly review from Francis Wyndham and a very good one from Antonia White .
Howard, Elizabeth Jane. Slipstream. Macmillan, 2002.
She was astonished and delighted at the award of the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize (then...
Publishing Jean Rhys
On 3 May, shortly before the BBC aired the broadcast adapted from Good Morning, Midnight, the Radio Times carried an article by Selma vas Diaz about Rhys, which reported that she was now busy...
Publishing Elizabeth Jane Howard
Once she had secured an advance on her first novel, EJH was at once able to place a couple of pieces in Vogue. She later wrote reviews for a little magazine run by Nancy Spain
Textual Production Jean Rhys
JR 's literary executor, Francis Wyndham , and her editor and friend Diana Athill , posthumously published a selection entitled Jean Rhys Letters, 1931-1966.
Wyndham, Francis, and Jean Rhys. “Introduction”. Jean Rhys Letters, 1931-1966, Deutsch, 1984, pp. 9-12.


No timeline events available.


Wyndham, Francis, and Jean Rhys. “Introduction”. Jean Rhys Letters, 1931-1966, Deutsch, 1984, pp. 9-12.
Rhys, Jean. Jean Rhys Letters, 1931-1966. Editors Wyndham, Francis and Diana Melly, 1st ed., Deutsch, 1984.
Wyndham, Francis et al. “Preface”. Wide Sargasso Sea, edited by Judith Raiskin, W. W. Norton, 1999, p. ix - xiii.
Rhys, Jean, and Francis Wyndham. Wide Sargasso Sea. 1st ed., Deutsch.
Rhys, Jean, and Francis Wyndham. Wide Sargasso Sea. Editor Raiskin, Judith, W. W. Norton, 1999.