Olga Roncoroni

Standard Name: Roncoroni, Olga


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Henry Handel Richardson
Olga Roncoroni became as close to HHR in her later years as a spouse or daughter. Richardson could not have managed without her. Biographer Michael Ackland considers the possibility of a lesbian element in this...
Family and Intimate relationships Henry Handel Richardson
HHR consoled herself by seeking and finding spiritualistic contact with him, but had to admit that this was a poor substitute for the living person. Though she told friends that George was still present with...
Friends, Associates Henry Handel Richardson
HHR made an important and enduring friendship at Lyme: with Olga Roncoroni , a talented musician whose parents were theatre people (the Italian heritage was several generations back) and one of whose jobs was playing...
Health Henry Handel Richardson
HHR developed a string of ailments, some of them attributable to inadequate rations.
Ackland, Michael. Henry Handel Richardson: A Life. Cambridge University Press.
As early as November 1940 she wrote about her complaints in a passage beginning: To grow old is never to feel...
Material Conditions of Writing Henry Handel Richardson
Production of this second volume was held up by her heavy investment of time in accompanying Olga Roncoroni to her daily psychiatrist appointments.
Ackland, Michael. Henry Handel Richardson: A Life. Cambridge University Press.
Residence Henry Handel Richardson
After her husband died HHR gave up both of the houses they had lived in (90 Regent's Park Road in London and Westfield in Lyme Regis), and settled with Olga Roncoroni at a...
Textual Production Henry Handel Richardson
HHR 's first scholarly biographer judges that this book's prime value is as a psychological document in which fantasies eclipse, or compulsions elide, verifiable actuality.
Ackland, Michael. Henry Handel Richardson: A Life. Cambridge University Press.
It is, he says, as revelatory for what it...
Textual Production Henry Handel Richardson
HHR 's autobiography, Myself When Young (titled from Edward FitzGerald 's Rubàiyàt of Omar Khayyàm), appeared posthumously in print, as completed after her death by Olga Roncoroni .
Bowen, Elizabeth. “The Evolution of a Novelist”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2424, p. 395.


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