Sir Lewis Casson

Standard Name: Casson, Sir Lewis


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Clemence Dane
Among CD's many friends were Sybil Thorndike, Lewis Casson, Noël Coward, and Alfred Hitchcock. Coward valued her friendship and her perceptive criticism of his work very highly, and used her...
Friends, Associates Dora Russell
During this period, the Russells' friends and associates included Sybil Thorndike and Lewis Casson, Ottoline Morrell, T. S. Eliot, W. B. Yeats, G. B. and Charlotte Shaw, Desmond MacCarthy...
Textual Production Clemence Dane
Another of her plays of the thirties that she mentions is Mariners, based on the local clergyman of her childhood and the private tragedy of his wife. The couple were played by Lewis Casson
Textual Production Clemence Dane
Thorndike and her husband Lewis Casson, who had been in other plays by CD, both appeared in this drama set in a home for the elderly. The character of Blanche Carroll was based...
Textual Production Anne Ridler
Henry Bly was written for Martin Browne's Mercury Theatre, but only got as far as a read-through by the Poets Theatre Guild before Browne's tenure of the theatre lapsed. Another of these plays,...


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