Roger McHugh

Standard Name: McHugh, Roger


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Katharine Tynan
They held their marriage ceremony at the home of the MeynellWilfrid Meynell s in Palace Court, London. On her marriage KT took her husband's name for social and personal purposes, although she continued to publish...
Reception Katharine Tynan
At the start of her writing career, in 1885, KT was revered as the next Catholic woman poet to succeed Christina Rossetti . She herself held firmly to this image even while her Parnellism and...


1970: Roger McHugh edited a collection of letters...

Women writers item


Roger McHugh edited a collection of letters between W. B. Yeats and Margot Ruddock entitled Ah, Sweet Dancer.


Yeats, W. B. Letters to Katharine Tynan. Editor McHugh, Roger, Clonmore and Reynolds, 1953.