Yeats, W. B. Letters to Katharine Tynan. Editor McHugh, Roger, Clonmore and Reynolds, 1953.
Roger McHugh
Standard Name: McHugh, Roger
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Family and Intimate relationships | Katharine Tynan | They held their marriage ceremony at the home of the MeynellWilfrid Meynell
s in Palace Court, London. On her marriage KT
took her husband's name for social and personal purposes, although she continued to publish... |
Reception | Katharine Tynan | At the start of her writing career, in 1885, KT
was revered as the next Catholic
woman poet to succeed Christina Rossetti
. She herself held firmly to this image even while her Parnellism and... |
1970: Roger McHugh edited a collection of letters...
Women writers item
Roger McHugh
edited a collection of letters between W. B. Yeats
and Margot Ruddock
entitled Ah, Sweet Dancer.