Maria Konstantinovna Bashkirtseva

Standard Name: Bashkirtseva, Maria Konstantinovna
Used Form: Marie Bashkirtseff


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Hélène Gingold
Nine highly positive reviews were quoted in subsequent advertising. Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper described HG as a literary artist of the first rank,calling her philosophy a laughing one, her humour veiled satire. The Western Morning...
Publishing Nina Hamnett
Its publication was marked by an exhibition of NH 's drawings and paintings at the Zwemmer Gallery in Litchfield Street, London. The opening, on 8 June, was attended by many of NH 's friends...
Textual Production Mathilde Blind
MB translated, with a critical introduction, The Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff, published in two volumes.
Bashkirtseff, from the Ukraine, is also called Bashkirtseva, or Mariya Bashkirtsevna.
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production Mathilde Blind
This work, never before translated into English,
British Library Catalogue.
runs to more than 800 pages. Blind's Study of Marie Bashkirtseff was reprinted in Claude Adhémar André Theuriet 's Jules Bastien-Lepage and his Art, 1892.


No timeline events available.


Bashkirtseva, Maria Konstantinovna. The Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff. Translator Blind, Mathilde, Cassell, 1890, 2 vols.