Richard Brothers

Standard Name: Brothers, Richard


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Sarah Green
SG seems from her connections and her writings to have been an Anglican, yet she apparently mustered considerable respect for the far-out fanatical prophet, anti-monarchist Richard Brothers, millenarian and ancestor of the British Israelite
Friends, Associates Sarah Green
This was the prophet Richard Brothers, millenarian and British Israelite, a man of talent and eccentricity who already had a colourful career behind him. She was forced to evict him when he failed...
Textual Production Joanna Southcott
After her associate Richard Brothers had emerged from a ten-year prison sentence and claimed in print to be the Messiah, JS published her Answer to Mr. Brothers's Book.
Wordsworth, Jonathan. The Bright Work Grows: Women Writers of the Romantic Age. Woodstock Books, 1997.
Textual Production Joanna Southcott
In this year JS was constantly employ'd in writing either to put in print, or for private Instructions to my Friends.
qtd. in
Hopkins, James K. A Woman To Deliver her People: Joanna Southcott and English Millenarianism in an Era of Revolution. University of Texas Press, 1982.
The year produced among other books A Communication given to Joanna, in Answer...
Textual Production Sarah Green
The eight-page pamphlet is entitled A Letter to the Publisher of Brothers's Prophecies. Richard Brothers was a naval officer, as well as a millenarian prophesying the destruction of London quite in the style...


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