Elizabeth Cutts

Standard Name: Cutts, Elizabeth


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Sarah Fielding
Socially speaking, Bath was a good choice for her, putting her within reach of, for instance, James Leake and Ralph Allen , as well as many friends visiting from London. The group comprising her, Scott
Friends, Associates Sarah Scott
When these two settled at Batheaston, they became part of a circle of women that included friends they had already made: Sarah Fielding, Elizabeth Cutts , Margaret Riggs (whose daughter was to continue the...
Friends, Associates Anna Miller
Anna Riggs (later ALM) grew up among the Bath community women: that is, Sarah Scott , Barbara Montagu , Mary Arnold , and Elizabeth Cutts . Margaret Mary Ravaud , who lived with...
politics Sarah Scott
The Bath Road also runs close to Elizabeth Montagu's country house at Sandleford. SS modelled this community on the one she had imagined in Millenium Hall, which in turn is closely related to the...
Publishing Elizabeth Carter
The book had gone to press in June 1757.
Feminist Companion Archive.
The original press run of 1,018 copies had to be supplemented with a further 250. First of several more editions was the Dublin one of the...
Publishing Sarah Fielding
The work was dedicated to Lady Pomfret . Its 440 subscribers included many prominent people, reflecting the bluestockings' range of influence as well as SF 's local and family connections: Ralph Allen , Lord Chesterfield
Publishing Mary Leapor
This time the publication was undertaken by Richardson. It was edited by Isaac Hawkins Browne , with a much smaller subscription list, which however included Elizabeth Montagu , Sarah Scott , and Elizabeth Cutts ...


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