Maurice Anthony Crutchley Gibbs

Standard Name: Gibbs, Maurice Anthony Crutchley


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Elma Napier
When she separated from her first husband , Elma Gibbs met Lennox Napier in San Francisco. They were married after her divorce became final.
Napier, Elma. Winter Is in July. J. Cape, 1949.
Family and Intimate relationships Elma Napier
After the near-scandal of her love for a much older married man, Elma Gordon-Cumming (later EN ) married Maurice Gibbs , a man of aristocratic descent, at the church at her family's estate of Altyre.
Lundy, Darryl. “Elma Gordon-Cumming”. Our Family History:
Napier, Elma. Winter Is in July. J. Cape, 1949.
Napier, Elma. Youth Is a Blunder. J. Cape, 1948.
Family and Intimate relationships Elma Napier
Elma Gibbs (later EN ) left her first husband, Maurice Gibbs ; she later divorced him.
Napier, Elma. Winter Is in July. J. Cape, 1949.
218, 222
Residence Elma Napier
After Maurice Gibbs , husband of Elma Gibbs (later EN ), was posted to Australia, the couple lived there for nine years.
Napier, Elma. Winter Is in July. J. Cape, 1949.
23, 32
Textual Features Elma Napier
EN devotes a large part of this first volume to her experience of coming out in London society, and the contradictory expectations surrounding it. The marriage market was a difficult one to play, she writes,...


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