Lennox Pelham Napier

Standard Name: Napier, Lennox Pelham


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Cultural formation Elma Napier
Acutely aware of the fact that in her family boys were superior beings,ENwanted desperately to be a boy.
Napier, Elma. Youth Is a Blunder. J. Cape, 1948.
13, 36
She grew up in an upper-class family of Scottish and American descent. Her...
Dedications Elma Napier
EN published her first full-length work: a volume of travel-sketches entitled Nothing So Blue, which she dedicated to her second husband, Lennox Napier .
Campbell, Elaine. “An Expatriate at Home: Dominica’s Elma Napier”. Kunapipi, Vol.
, No. 1, Dangaroo Press, 1982, pp. 82-93.
Dedications Elma Napier
She dedicated this novel to her daughter by Lennox Napier , Patricia.
Campbell, Elaine. “An Expatriate at Home: Dominica’s Elma Napier”. Kunapipi, Vol.
, No. 1, Dangaroo Press, 1982, pp. 82-93.
Family and Intimate relationships Elma Napier
On a return journey from the USA to Australia, Elma Gibbs first met her future second husband, Lennox Pelham Napier .
Napier, Elma. Winter Is in July. J. Cape, 1949.
Family and Intimate relationships Elma Napier
When she separated from her first husband , Elma Gibbs met Lennox Napier in San Francisco. They were married after her divorce became final.
Napier, Elma. Winter Is in July. J. Cape, 1949.
Friends, Associates Elma Napier
EN 's aristocratic lineage brought her into contact with many notable government and royal figures. As a young girl, she often visited the fifteenth-century Château de Breteuil, not far from Paris, home of her...
Publishing Elma Napier
After a two-year break from writing, EN , now living in Victoria, Australia, took up her pen again. The resulting short story, about a dentist's receptionist looking for romance, appeared in the Australasian in...
Residence Elma Napier
Upset by political developments in England and abroad, and fearful of the depth of the depression, EN and Lennox Napier emigrated with their children to the village of Calibishie in the island of Dominica.
O’Callaghan, Evelyn. Women Writing the West Indies, 1804-1939. Routledge, 2004.
“Dominica Heritage”. Caribbean-Search.com: Dominica: A Virtual Dominica.
Napier, Elma. Winter Is in July. J. Cape, 1949.
Textual Features Elma Napier
Also during her time in Australia, EN discovered the love of travel that was to become so important a part of her life. The volume describes her trips to Japan, the USA, the...


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