Nicholas Groom

Standard Name: Groom, Nicholas
Used Form: Nick Groom


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Thomas Chatterton
His death was assumed to be suicide, and attained emblematic status as a response to blighted hopes in a world inimical to poetry. But in fact Chatterton had been publishing busily (mostly in periodicals) and...
Family and Intimate relationships Marina Warner
Some years after her second divorce, MW's partner was Nicholas Groom , a linguist teaching at the University of Birmingham .
Haslett, Jane. Interview with Marina Warner.


No timeline events available.


Suarez, Michael F. “’This Necessary Knowledge’: Thomas Chatterton and the Ways of the London Book Trade”. Thomas Chatterton and Romantic Culture, edited by Nicholas Groom, Macmillan, 1999, pp. 96-118.