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Monica Furlong
Standard Name: Furlong, Monica
Birth Name: Monica Mavis Furlong
Married Name: Monica Knights
was a Christian feminist who began as a journalist and went on to a prolific late-twentieth-century output of books. She published poetry, a couple of novels, stories for children, biographies of remarkable Christians, collected volumes of primary and secondary texts, works on spirituality, and especially analysis of women's relarions with
in general and the
in particular, both before and after female ordination became a reality.
Furlong, Monica. A Dangerous Delight: Women and Power in the Church. SPCK, 1991.
Furlong, Monica. Act of Synod—Act of Folly?. SCM Press, 1998.
Furlong, Monica. C of E: The State It’s in. Hodder and Stoughton, 2000.
Furlong, Monica. Christian Uncertainties. Hodder and Stoughton, 1975.
Furlong, Monica. Cousins. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.
Furlong, Monica. Feminine in the Church. SPCK, 1984.
Furlong, Monica. Flight of the Kingfisher: a Journey among the Kukatja Aborigines. HarperCollins, 1996.
Furlong, Monica. Genuine Fake: A Biography of Alan Watts. Heinemann, 1986.
Furlong, Monica. Merton: A Biography. Collins, 1980.
Furlong, Monica, editor. Mirror to the Church: Reflections on Sexism. SPCK, 1988.
Furlong, Monica, editor. Our Childhood’s Pattern: Memories of Growing Up Christian. Mowbray, 1995.
Furlong, Monica. Puritan’s Progress, A Study of John Bunyan. Hodder and Stoughton, 1975.
Furlong, Monica. “Stranger in the Gallery”. The Jew: Quest 2, edited by Alma Birk and Clive Labovitch, Vol.
, Cornmarket Press, pp. 18-19. Furlong, Monica. The End of Our Exploring. Hodder and Stoughton, 1973.
Furlong, Monica. “The St Hilda Community—narrative of a group which supports female priests”. The Ecumenical Review, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 82-5. Bunyan, John, and Agnes Beaumont. The Trial of John Bunyan and the Persecution of the Puritans: Selections from the Writings of John Bunyan and Agnes Beaumont. Editor Furlong, Monica, Folio Society, 1978.
Furlong, Monica. Thérèse of Lisieux. Virago, 1987.
Furlong, Monica, editor. Visions and Longings: An Anthology of Women Mystics. Mowbray, 1996.
Furlong, Monica. Wise Child. Gollancz, 1987.
Furlong, Monica, editor. Women Included: A Book of Services and Prayers. SPCK, 1991.