Adolf Eichmann

Standard Name: Eichmann, Adolf


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Muriel Spark
She had planned this trip since March 1960. In the event it coincided with the Eichmann trial. This visit gave her the opportunity to think about her own Jewish heritage, which she had sidelined both...
Author summary Hannah Arendt
HA trained as a philosopher and spoke of philosophy as her first love. She became better known for her writings on modern history and political theory, in essays, monographs, and her famous or notorious reporting...
Publishing Jan Morris
JM covered the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem in 1961 for the Guardian as Hannah Arendt covered it for the New Yorker.
Johns, Derek. Ariel. A Literary Life of Jan Morris. Faber and Faber.
Publishing Hannah Arendt
Also this year, HA published serially in five New Yorker pieces her account of the trial for war crimes of Adolf Eichmann , which she had attended in 1961.
Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth. Hannah Arendt. For Love of the World. Yale University Press.
Publishing Hannah Arendt
HA 's account of the trial of war criminal Adolf Eichmann (fresh from its serialization in the New Yorker) appeared in volume form as Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil.
Laqueur, Thomas. “Four pfennige per track km”. London Review of Books, pp. 7-12.
Musmanno, Michael A. “Man with an Unspotted Conscience”. The New York Times.
Textual Features Bernice Rubens
Its use of these words is unexpected. Far from obeying such murderous orders as were handed down to Calley (or to Eichmann , another who famously used that defence), the protagonist of this story, Miss...
Travel Hannah Arendt
Her most memorable travel was the time she spent in Jerusalem for the Eichmann trial in spring and summer 1961. She followed this disturbing time by travelling with her husband to visit Karl Jaspers in...


11 April-14 August 1961: World media reported extensively on the trial...

National or international item

11 April-14 August 1961

World media reported extensively on the trial for war crimes of Adolf Eichmann , a major architect of the Nazi death camps.

31 May 1962: Adolf Eichmann, Austrian war criminal, was...

National or international item

31 May 1962

Adolf Eichmann , Austrian war criminal, was executed: his trial had begun on 11 April 1961.


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