Oswald Barron

Standard Name: Barron, Oswald


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships E. Nesbit
After her affair with Shaw, thinks Julia Briggs, EN was more self-protective in her flirtations. By choosing a succession of admirers who were younger and less established in the world than herself, she received homage...
Intertextuality and Influence E. Nesbit
It had already appeared serially from January 1905 to January 1906:
Briggs, Julia. A Woman of Passion: The Life of E. Nesbit, 1858-1924. Hutchinson, 1987.
242, 460
During the two years leading up to the appearance of this work in book form EN was often producing monthly instalments of...
Intertextuality and Influence E. Nesbit
EN published her second independent novel (and the first to appear in England), the historical romance The Secret of Kyriels, at first titled Kyriel's Bridge; the idea came from Oswald Barron .
Intertextuality and Influence E. Nesbit
EN 's The Story of the Amulet, sequel to Five Children and It, expressed (like others of her children's books) a vivid sense of the historical endurance of objects which may be traceable...
Performance of text E. Nesbit
Having collaborated with Oswald Barron on the farce A Family Novelette (staged in February 1894), EN continued from time to time to write for the theatre: most of her plays remained unpublished. Following her son...
Publishing E. Nesbit
EN 's collaborations with Oswald Barron began with The Life-Lamp, which appeared in Atalanta in June 1893. They collaborated again in several genres: in A Family Novelette (a farce performed in a public hall...
Textual Features E. Nesbit
This saw the first appearance of EN 's famous Bastable family: Mary, Oswald, Dicky, and the twins (Alice and Noel, each of whom represents a different side of their creator). While Oswald and Dicky were...
Textual Production E. Nesbit
Contributors included EN herself, Gerald Gould , G. K. Chesterton , Andrew Lang , and Oswald Barron . Nesbit's idealistic promise that she would print the plain naked unashamed truth, in contrast to the lies...
Textual Production E. Nesbit
EN 's The Rainbow and the Rose, another collection of poems, contains in Via Amoris (The Way of Love) a sequence apparently inspired by the departure from her life of Oswald Barron .
Briggs, Julia. A Woman of Passion: The Life of E. Nesbit, 1858-1924. Hutchinson, 1987.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012]. http://www.gale.com/c/the-times-literary-supplement-historical-archive.
167 (24 March 1905): 98


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