Kate Summerscale's Miss Robinson's Disgrace: The Private Diary of a Victorian Lady, 2012, has renewed interest in IHR. Summerscale reprints excerpts of the diary (which has never been published in its entirety...
Author summary
Isabella Hamilton Robinson
IHR's diary acquired notoriety after it was found to contain details of her relationship with a younger, married doctor and after it was made public in the Divorce Court (at a moment when divorce...
Textual Features
Isabella Hamilton Robinson
Kate Summerscale writes that these diary entries magically remade the scenes that had passed, no longer dissecting her longings but instead allowing them to infuse her recollections . . . the diary could conjure up...
No timeline events available.
Summerscale, Kate. Mrs. Robinson’s Disgrace. 1st ed., Bloomsbury USA, 2012.