Harry Saint John Bridger Philby

Standard Name: Philby, Harry Saint John Bridger
Used Form: Harry St John Philby
Used Form: St John Philby


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Occupation Gertrude Bell
British policy in the middle east was in some confusion, with London backing the Arabs to rise against the Turks, while the British Indian government regarded them as ripe for imperial takeover.
Buchan, James. “Miss Bell’s fateful lines in the sand”. Guardian Weekly, Vol.
, No. 13, p. 20.
The Oriental...
Textual Production Freya Stark
This text details Stark's attempt to reach the buried site of Shabwa; this failed when she experienced an angina attack and was rescued by the RAF . Harry St John Philby became the first...
Textual Production Freya Stark
In 1946, her Western Arabian photos were used by the Naval Intelligence Division of the Admiralty in London in the Middle East Intelligence Handbooks 1943-1946. Other non-academic contributors to the Handbooks included Harry St John Philby
Travel Rosita Forbes
Both of them continued to be great travellers, together or separately. A visit which RF planned to Yemen (again in the guise of Khadija) in 1922 was supposed to lead on to a crossing of...


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