Frederick Locker-Lampson

Standard Name: Locker-Lampson, Frederick


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Kate Greenaway
Soon KG's illustrations started to attract the attention of established writers and critics, with some of whom she forged friendships. For example, the poet Frederick Locker-Lampson admired the child-like sentiments expressed in her work...
Literary responses Kate Greenaway
Individual friends were critical: Frederick Locker-Lampson noted the imperfections in printing and told KG that her children ought to look happier. However, Mother Goose was published to commercial success and confirmed KG's status as...
Reception Catherine Fanshawe
The Wordsworth imitation was selected by Frederick Locker-Lampson for inclusion in Lyra Elegantiarum: A Collection of some of the best specimens of vers de société and vers d'occasion in the English language by deceased Authors...
Textual Production Kate Greenaway
KG's father (an draftsman and engraver) shared a sample of her work with his acquaintance Edmund Evans, the leading and the best woodblock colour printer in London.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Edmund Evans
Evans appreciated KG
Textual Production Kate Greenaway
This book was first published in three or four distinct editions, variously bound. An unauthorized edition appeared in the USA the next year, from McLoughlin Brothers, who pirated other publications by KG...


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