Violet Powell

Standard Name: Powell, Violet


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Margaret Kennedy
During her last year at Cheltenham , MK heard W. B. Yeats lecture on the Irish poet and playwright J. M. Synge .
Biographer Violet Powell gives Synge's initialswrongly as J. B.
Powell, Violet. The Constant Novelist. W. Heinemann, 1983.
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Kennedy
Her father, Charles Moore Kennedy , followed in his father's footsteps by becoming a barrister.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Charles Kennedy, who maintained an unambitious attitude towards life never practised law, choosing instead the life of a country gentleman...
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Kennedy
Richard Bennett , a personal friend and the author of MK 's entry in the old Dictionary of National Biography, describes her as emotionally crushed by the death of her husband.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Kennedy and Davies...
Literary responses Flora Annie Steel
Among the chorus of praise which greeted this novel, FAS most cherished a letter from a man whose wife had died in the Mutiny, telling her that her work had enabled, him, at last, to...
Literary responses Flora Annie Steel
Violet Powell dismisses the sensational events of this novel and later ones in the same category as dizzying in their effects, but praises FAS 's sure touch with the social detail of clothes and houses.
Powell, Violet. Flora Annie Steel: Novelist of India. Heinemann, 1981.
Literary responses E. M. Delafield
Punch and the TLS gave the novel good reviews. The TLS reviewer speculated that the novelist was a woman because of her use of the word camisole. Critic and biographer Violet Powell has judged...
Occupation E. M. Delafield
Her biographer Violet Powell suggests that her role as president of the Women's Institute probably influenced the Clerk of the Court's decision to chose her as a candidate for the Commission of the Peace ...
Reception Margaret Kennedy
There exists (in 2013) only one biography of MK —by Violet Powell (1983)—and apart from reviews there is almost no critical work to date except in French, mostly treating the adaptation of The Constant Nymph...
Residence E. M. Delafield
During EMD 's childhood, her family had a country estate at The Falls, Llandogo, Monmouthshire. The house (now a nursing home) stands near Tintern Abbey (scene of a famous poem by Wordsworth ). EMD
Textual Production Flora Annie Steel
FAS appears to have been for some time in India before she began writing, or at least writing for publication. Biographer Violet Powell says that an important influence on her early work was Fazli ...
Travel Flora Annie Steel
From Calcutta they travelled by train to Delhi, then by box on wheels
Powell, Violet. Flora Annie Steel: Novelist of India. Heinemann, 1981.
to Lahore, then, emphasising the inefficiency of the Indian Civil Service , they were forced to retrace their steps...


No timeline events available.


Powell, Violet. Flora Annie Steel: Novelist of India. Heinemann, 1981.
Powell, Violet. The Constant Novelist. W. Heinemann, 1983.
Powell, Violet. The Life of a Provincial Lady. Heinemann, 1988.