William Windham

Standard Name: Windham, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Anne Barnard
The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography supposes that Henry Dundas (who had known Lady Anne Lindsay in Edinburgh and remained a lifelong correspondent) might have married her if he had not needed to marry money...
Friends, Associates Lady Anne Barnard
Lady Anne lived much of her life in fashionable society, and her acquaintance was very wide. In Edinburgh in her early twenties she impressed and delighted Samuel Johnson with an impromptu and complimentary bon mot...
Publishing Eliza Parsons
In May, with only three weeks to go before publication and in desperate need of money, EP was attempting to get up a subscription for Lucy. She had (as she confided to the potential...
Publishing Eliza Parsons
As part of her campaign to raise subscribers for Lucy: A Novel, which she expected to publish in three weeks, EP addressed a detailed and revealing letter about her circumstances to the politician William Windham
Textual Features Eliza Parsons
In her letter to William Windham of 14 May 1794, about her search for subscribers to Lucy and her financial troubles, she describes herself as "a widowed Mother whose Labours are the Sole Support...


April 1791: The month before the appearance of his Life...

Writing climate item

April 1791

The month before the appearance of his Life of Samuel Johnson, and as parliament debated the bill to abolish slavery, James Boswell published a long poem entitled No Abolition of Slavery; or, The Universal...

After 31 March 1796: William Beckford burlesqued women writers...

Women writers item

After 31 March 1796

William Beckford burlesqued women writers and attacked reactionary government in his novel Modern Novel Writing, or the Elegant Enthusiast; and Interesting Emotions of Arabella Bloomville. A Rhapsodical Romance; Interspersed with Poetry, published as Lady...


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