's mother, born Sarah Fricker
, had several sisters, two of whom also married prominent poets. One married Robert Lovell
, and another, Edith Fricker
, married Robert Southey
, who became a major...
Family and Intimate relationships
Sara Coleridge
's father-in-law initially objected to the match, primarily for economic reasons.
Mudge, Bradford Keyes, and Sara Coleridge. Sara Coleridge, a Victorian Daughter: Her Life and Essays. Yale University Press, 1989.
35, 47
When he did come to terms with the union, the couple then had to wait until Henry completed his studies in...
Family and Intimate relationships
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
fell in love with, and in 1795 married Sarah Fricker
. Together they had four children, and Sarah bravely tolerated the bohemian and primitive conditions in which their lack of money caused them to...
Textual Production
Sara Coleridge
Following the correspondence of SC
's mother with Thomas Poole
(Minnow among Tritons. Mrs. S.T. Coleridge
's letters to Thomas Poole, 1799-1834,
British Library Catalogue.