Frances Neville, Baroness Abergavenny

Standard Name: Abergavenny, Frances Neville,,, Baroness
Birth Name: Frances Manners
Married Name: Frances Neville, Baroness Abergavenny
Titled: Frances Neville, Baroness Abergavenny
FNBA both collected and composed devotional writings during the sixteenth century, which reached print after her death. Thomas Bentley , including a generous selection in his Monument of Matrones, 1582, presents them as concerned exclusively with private, domestic manners; recent scholarship suggests that Abergavenny's poems also respond to political-religious controversy, and that Bentley was not the only anthologist to make use of them.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Bacon
It probably dated, though, from early in the reign of Elizabeth I. Gemma Allen suggests that its author saw it as a companion piece to AB 's Defence of the Church of England.
Allen, Gemma. The Cooke Sisters. Manchester University Press.
59, 61
Textual Features Elizabeth Oxenbridge, Lady Tyrwhit
She concludes her note: To you my dere and faythful frende / my chefest juel I doo comend. She then signs off: your pooer and faythful frend in the lord, elyzabeth trywhyt [sic].
Elizabeth Oxenbridge, Lady Tyrwhit,. Elizabeth Tyrwhit’s Morning and Evening Prayers. Editor Felch, Susan M., Ashgate.
Frances Neville, Lady Abergavenny


1582: Thomas Bentley edited The Monument of Matrones,...

Women writers item


Thomas Bentley edited The Monument of Matrones, an important anthology containing writings by women, mostly religious.


Frances Neville, Baroness Abergavenny,. “The Praiers made by the right Honourable Ladie Frances Aburgavennie”. The Monument of Matrones, edited by Thomas Bentley, Printed by H. Denham, 1582, pp. 139-13.