Genghis Khan

Standard Name: Genghis Khan
Used Form: Genghizkan the Great
Used Form: Zinghis Khan


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary Setting Flora Annie Steel
Babar, who lived in the sixteenth century, was descended from both Tamerlane and Genghis Khan . The book incorporates his private, family story, and the story of his acquisition first of the kingdom of Ferghana...
Textual Features Ella K. Maillart
This book describes Maillart's journey from Moscow (where she had gone to study film in 1930) to Russian Turkestan.
Turkestan refers to a region of Genghis Khan 's empire that runs from southern Mongolia...
Textual Features Jane Harvey
The title-page quotes James Beattie . The action moves further afield than in JH 's previous works, to such places as London, Hampstead, and Cambridge. JH here comes close to depicting a...
Textual Production Penelope Aubin
PA 's History of Genghizcan the Great, translated from the French of François Pétis de la Croix , appeared in 1722, dedicated to the Prince of Wales . Both Debbie Welham and Eighteenth-Century Collections...


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