Diana Primrose

Standard Name: Primrose, Diana
DP is an unidentified early seventeenth-century poet who calls herself a Noble Lady;
Primrose, Diana. “A Chaine of Pearle”. The Poets I, edited by Susanne Woods et al., Facsimile, Ashgate, 2001.
she has royalist and some feminist ideas.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Queen Elizabeth I
The immense and long-lasting interest aroused by Elizabeth is not, of course, primarily due to her writings, any more than were the adulation paid her during her lifetime, the cult of Gloriana, the Virgin Queen...
Textual Features Germaine Greer
Its nearly fifty poets include Margaret Cavendish, Katherine Philips, and Aphra Behn; however, the anthology also presents more obscure writers like Diana Primrose, An Collins, Mary Carey, Anna Trapnel


No timeline events available.


Primrose, Diana. A Chaine of Pearle. Thomas Paine, 1630.
Primrose, Diana. “A Chaine of Pearle”. The Poets I, edited by Susanne Woods et al., Facsimile, Ashgate, 2001.