Ebenezer Henderson Smith

Standard Name: Henderson Smith, Ebenezer


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Family and Intimate relationships Flora Klickmann
FK married Ebenezer Henderson Smith, journalist, lay preacher, executive of the Religious Tract Society and one of the founders of the Boy's Own Paper, a widower some years older than herself.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
Lazell, David. Flora Klickmann and her Flower Patch. Flower Patch Magazine, 1976.
Family and Intimate relationships Flora Klickmann
FK's husband, Ebenezer Henderson Smith, died in his late eighties. He was buried at the Moravian Church at Brockweir, where he had often preached.
Lazell, David. Flora Klickmann and her Flower Patch. Flower Patch Magazine, 1976.


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