James Warren

Standard Name: Warren, James


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Family and Intimate relationships Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis married James Warren , a gentleman farmer who had been at Harvard with her brother James, and who, in due course, became a patriot and a politician.
Dictionary of American Biography. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1929–2025, 1-20.
Anthony, Katharine Susan. First Lady of the Revolution: The Life of Mercy Otis Warren. Kennikat Press, 1972.
Family and Intimate relationships Mercy Otis Warren
MOW 's husband, James Warren , died; three of their sons were already dead.
Anthony, Katharine Susan. First Lady of the Revolution: The Life of Mercy Otis Warren. Kennikat Press, 1972.
politics Mercy Otis Warren
MOW was a strong US nationalist before the War of Independence. Later she became, like her husband, an anti-Federalist: one of those who were not happy with the Constitution as drafted and sought amendments to...
Textual Production Mercy Otis Warren
MOW was probably writing poems as early as she was writing drama. Her collected volume of Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous, 1790, shows that she was composing poetry well before the Revolution. She dates a...


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