Anne Burke

Standard Name: Burke, Anne
Birth Name: Anne Ustick
Married Name: Anne Burke
Used Form: A Lady
Used Form: Mrs Burke
Used Form: Mrs W. Burke
Used Form: the author of Ela; or, The Delusions of The Heart
AB published seven novels at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century. A former governess left a widow with a son to support, she depended on her writing for an income. The play occasionally attributed to her is not hers.


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Textual Production Barbarina Brand Baroness Dacre
Petrarch enjoyed great popularity in England at this time, in large part owing to the scholarly work of Susannah Dobson. Other poets channelled his voice (like Charlotte Smith, Anne Bannerman, Ann Yearsley, and Mary...
Textual Production Anne Francis
The poem followed several novels in response to Werter, including Eleanora by Anne Burke (late July 1785) and The Victim of Fancy by Elizabeth Sophia Tomlins (mid-December 1786), both of whom have Orlando entries...


No timeline events available.


Burke, Anne. Adela Northington. Cawthorne, 1796, 3 vols.
Burke, Anne. Ela. G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1787.
Burke, Anne. Eleanora: From the Sorrows of Werter. G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1785, 2 vols.
Burke, Anne. Elliott. Cawthorn, 1800, 2 vols.
Burke, Anne. Emilia de St. Aubigne. Elliot and Kay, 1788.
Burke, Anne. The Secret of the Cavern. Minerva, 1805, 2 vols.
Burke, Anne. The Sorrows of Edith. Crosby, 1796.