Maurice Goudeket

Standard Name: Goudeket, Maurice


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Colette
Born into the French upper class and married into fashionable circles, Colette became notorious for her promiscuity. She had well-publicized affairs with both men and women, including the eccentric, aristocratic, cross-dressing music-hall performer Mathilde de Mornay, marquise de Belboeuf
Family and Intimate relationships Colette
Colette , aged sixty-two, married her third and last husband, Maurice Goudeket , whom she had known for ten years. She had been his lover for much of this time.
Colette,. “Préface”. Lettres à Sa Fille, 1916-1953, edited by Anne de Jouvenel et al., Gallimard, pp. 7-19.
Castle, Terry. “Yes you, sweetheart”. London Review of Books, pp. 3-8.
Family and Intimate relationships Colette
Colette 's third husband, Maurice Goudeket , who was Jewish, was arrested in Paris by the Gestapo
Colette,. Lettres à Sa Fille, 1916-1953. Editor Jouvenel, Anne de, Gallimard.
Textual Production Colette
Of the other novellas, La Dame du photographe was completed by 25 January 1944 after three months' work. Maurice Goudeket , reading it at this stage, pronounced it beautiful. Le Conte de l'enfant malade followed...
Travel Colette
Colette and her third husband, Maurice Goudeket , went to join her daughter at Curemonte in Corrèzes, a semi-ruined de Jouvenel family chateau.
Colette,. “Préface”. Lettres à Sa Fille, 1916-1953, edited by Anne de Jouvenel et al., Gallimard, pp. 7-19.
Colette,. Lettres à Sa Fille, 1916-1953. Editor Jouvenel, Anne de, Gallimard.
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