862 results for suffrage

May 1906
The Daily News held a London Sweated Industries...

The Daily News held a London Sweated Industries Exhibition: since women made up a disproportionate segment of this workforce, the exhibition and its catalogue were important to suffrage as well as labour activists.

26 November 1867
Lily Maxwell cast her parliamentary vote...

January 1916
The Coming Day, a suffragette periodical...

The Coming Day, a suffragette periodical from the Free Church League for Women's Suffrage, began monthly publication in London.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton's The Woman's Bible...

Stanton, whom a recent commentator thinks the leading intellectual of the nineteenth-century [US] women's rights movement and a drastically under-recognized political thinker,
Gordon, Linda. “A Passion for Equality”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 3-4.
objected to the Church's anti-feminist interpretations of the Bible. This critique, her most daring venture,
Gordon, Linda. “A Passion for Equality”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 3-4.
alarmed even her allies at a time when suffrage campaigners were trying to present their cause as non-threatening.

October 1913
The Central Board of Co-operative Union refused...

26 June 1856
The Bishop of Oxford expressed his fear that...

The Women's Co-operative Guild held a festival...

1 July 1875
The Union of Shirt and Collar Makers and...

By 1912
The Women's Co-operative Guild Congress officially...

16 July 1916
The Government Food Prices Committee was...

23 May 1865
The Kensington Society, a quarterly women's...

The Society issued questions quarterly; members' written responses were circulated in advance of discussion. In spring of 1868 the Kensington Society dissolved, having been replaced in large part by bodies such as suffrage groups and newly formed professional associations for women.

5 December 1905
Liberal leader Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman,...

Liberal leader Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman , a known supporter of women's suffrage, formed the government of the UK, following the surprise resignation of Conservative Arthur James Balfour .

In France, Condorcet published Lettres d'un...

In France, Condorcet published Lettres d'un bourgeois de Newhaven, which makes a serious and straightforward case for full civil rights for women, including suffrage.

May 1892
The Women's National Liberal Association...

The Women's National Liberal Association formed when sixty moderate associations withdrew from the Women's Liberal Federation to protest the WLF's new pro-suffrage policy.

13 April 1848
The House of Commons rejected the third petition...

The House of Commons rejected the third petition for universal manhood suffrage.

Earlier 1857
The House of Commons debated what aggravations...

Clara Collet published The Economic Position...

The penalty of imprisonment for refusing...

10 November 1933
The Vote, a weekly magazine covering a range...

The Vote, a weekly magazine covering a range of feminist issues including suffrage, ended publication.

June 1913
At the invitation of Margaret Llewelyn Davies,...

By 1907
Medical aid schemes were established by over...

Anne Jemima Clough organised Lectures for...

January 1849
Radicals ascended to power in Rome (centre...

Pius IX left Rome for the Kingdom of Naples in late 1848 in the wake of political unrest. Left in power, radicals prepared for the election of a Constituent Assembly by universal suffrage. Although less than half of the electors voted, the Constituent Assembly comprised a large number of radical members, who declared Pius IX deposed and proclaimed a Roman Republic. Mazzini went to Rome after this success, and became one third of a Triumvirate to preserve the Republic. Garibaldi , having returned to Italy to fight in the Piedmontese army against Austria, was subsequently charged with the military defence of the Roman Republic.

10 August 1872
The Bastardy Law Amendment Act was passe...

14 March 1856
A petition for Reform of the Married Women's...