4 results for smallpox

Henrietta Maria Bowdler

HMB died at Bath of smallpox, from which she was in her last days almost blind.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
100 (1830): 1: 567
Baillie, Joanna. The Collected Letters of Joanna Baillie. Editor Slagle, Judith Bailey, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1999, 2 vols.
2: 616

Katherine Philips

KP died of smallpox in Fleet Street, London.
Philips, Katherine. “Introduction and Textual Notes”. The Collected Works of Katherine Philips, The Matchless Orinda, Volume I: The Poems, edited by Patrick Thomas, Stump Cross Books, 1990, pp. 1-68.

Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke

Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke , died of smallpox in Aldersgate Street, London.
Hannay, Margaret P. Philip’s Phoenix: Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke. Oxford University Press, 1990, http://U of A HSS.

Anne Killigrew

AK died of smallpox at her father 's lodgings near Westminster Abbey.
Greer, Germaine et al., editors. Kissing the Rod. Virago, 1988.