Antonia White

AW found composition a torment, suffered from recurrent writer's block, and discarded innumerable drafts of everything she wrote. Yet besides working as a journalist, she left more than thirty translations, four heavily autobiographical novels, some stories and poems, a play, a fragment of autobiography, two children's books, letters, and diaries amounting to more than a million words.
Vaux, Anna. “Biscuits. Oh good!”. London Review of Books, pp. 32-4.


31 March 1899

Eirene Adeline Botting (later AW ) was born in London.
Who Was Who. A. and C. Black.

By November 1932

AW completed the first draft of her first novel, Frost in May.
Dunn, Jane. Antonia White: A Life. Jonathan Cape.

July 1933

AW published her first-completed, often-rejected novel, Frost in May; it later brought her fame.
Dunn, Jane. Antonia White: A Life. Jonathan Cape.

May 1978

The women's publishing house Virago Press reprinted AW 's Frost in May as the first title in the later famous Virago Modern Classics series.
Dunn, Jane. Antonia White: A Life. Jonathan Cape.
417, 420

10 April 1980

AW died of cancer after nearly two weeks in a coma.
Who Was Who. A. and C. Black.


Birth and Family

31 March 1899

Eirene Adeline Botting (later AW ) was born in London.
Who Was Who. A. and C. Black.