Selima Hill

SH , a poet of the late twentieth and twenty-first centuries, has been described as a risk-taker, and her poetry as seriously comical. She deals with sexuality, erotic love, and disturbed mental states, all from a female point of view. Her poetry volumes are often comprised of very short poems in a sequence spoken by a single voice. Her imagery, in fifteen successive volumes by 2014, is surreal and sometimes whimsical.


13 October 1945

Selima Wood (later SH ) was born in Hampstead, to parents who were both artists.
British Council Film and Literature Department, in association with Book Trust. Contemporary Writers in the UK.

June 1984

SH published her first poetry collection, Saying Hello at the Station, through Chatto , whose poetry editor, Andrew Motion , had himself approached her to ask for a volume.
Whitaker’s Books in Print. J. Whitaker and Sons.
Taylor, Debbie. “Interview with Selima Hill”. Mslexia, Vol.
, pp. 39-40.


Birth and Family

13 October 1945

Selima Wood (later SH ) was born in Hampstead, to parents who were both artists.
British Council Film and Literature Department, in association with Book Trust. Contemporary Writers in the UK.