Jack Lindsay

Standard Name: Lindsay, Jack


Connections Author name Sort ascending Excerpt
politics Sylvia Townsend Warner
Warner and Ackland were members of publisher Victor Gollancz 's Left Book Club , and wrote assiduously for left-wing papers and magazines. (After the second world war, however, Ackland developed divergent and comparatively right-wing views.)...
death Nina Hamnett
She had some afterlife in memoirs of her contemporaries, such as Jack Lindsay 's Fanfrolico and After, 1962.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012]. http://www.gale.com/c/the-times-literary-supplement-historical-archive.
The Parkin Gallery planned an exhibition of her work in 1981 and advertised for catalogue...
Reception Mary Butts
The novel's success was slightly diminished by comparisons drawn between it and Jack Lindsay 's Last Days With Cleopatra, which appeared just a few weeks before it.
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company.
It did, however, receive several positive...
politics Valentine Ackland
With Warner, Ackland was a member of publisher Victor Gollancz 's Left Book Club . Her connection with the Left Review brought her into contact with intellectuals such as Edgell Rickword and his wife Johnnie


1926: Fanfrolico Press, founded in Australia in...

Writing climate item


Fanfrolico Press , founded in Australia in 1923 by Jack Lindsay and John T. Kirtley , established a London branch at 5 Bloomsbury Square.


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