Nicholas Hawksmoor

Standard Name: Hawksmoor, Nicholas


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Leisure and Society Anne Irwin
AI had a house built for her at 5 New Burlington Street, London, by Nicholas Hawksmoor , former associate of her father 's architect, Vanbrugh .
Downes, Kerry. Hawksmoor. Praeger.
Occupation Susan Miles
The Robertses were succeeding a clergyman who also had liberal views. He had caused some offence by holding the funeral of Emily Davison , the suffragist who was killed on the Derby racecourse.
Miles, Susan. Portrait of a Parson. George Allen and Unwin.


9 June 1705 : John Vanbrugh was officially appointed architect,...

Building item

9 June 1705

John Vanbrugh was officially appointed architect, with the assistance of Nicholas Hawksmoor , to build Blenheim Palace at Woodstock in Oxfordshire as a national thank-offering to the Duke of Marlborough .


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