Frances Parker, Countess of Morley

Standard Name: Morley, Frances Parker,,, Countess of


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Literary responses Frances Jacson
Maria Edgeworth read this novel on its appearance (firmly preferring it to Jane Austen's Emma), and two years later mentioned it as the title defining FJ 's achievement.
Percy, Joan. “An Unrecognized Novelist: Frances Jacson (1754-1842)”. British Library Journal, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 81-97.
Published almost simultaneously with Austen
Textual Production Barbarina Brand, Baroness Dacre
Despite the success of these editing ventures, when a generation later BBBD 's grand-daughter Lady Grey thought of publishing a tale and using her grandmother's name as her mother had done, Dacre said that her...
Textual Production Barbarina Brand, Baroness Dacre
BBBD was a conscientious and entertaining letter-writer with a large circle of correspondents. The Plymouth and West Devon Record Office holds a collection of her correspondence from the 1840s with Frances Parker, Countess of Morley


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