Samuel Courtauld

Standard Name: Courtauld, Samuel


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Anna Steele
AS has been largely ignored by readers and critics since her death, and her works remain out of print. Her name occurs in biographies of her more famous relatives, and in 1929 her niece Minna Evangeline Bradhurst
Publishing Harriet Martineau
In 1855 HM 's pamphlet entitled The Factory Controversy, A Warning Against Meddling Legislation, was issued by the National Association of Factory Occupiers (based in Manchester, where it was published). She had initially...
Textual Production Harriet Martineau
These collections supply parts of HM 's correspondence with Matthew Arnold , Charlotte Brontë , Jane Welsh Carlyle , John Chapman , Maria Weston Chapman , Anne Jemima Clough , Samuel Courtauld , Ralph Waldo Emerson


February 1858: Bessie Rayner Parkes described to George...

Building item

February 1858

Bessie Rayner Parkes described to George Eliot , in a letter, the limited company established by the Langham Place group to support The English Woman's Journal.

1931: The Courtauld Institute of Art, the first...

Building item


The Courtauld Institute of Art , the first institute for the study of art history, was established at the University of London through an endowment by Samuel Courtauld .


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