Jonathan Cutbill

Standard Name: Cutbill, Jonathan


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Rose Allatini
Melanie Mills (Janet Melanie Ailsa Mills ), the friend with whom RA shared her life from the time she moved to Beckley, shared many of her interests too. Cyril Scott called Mills in...
Literary responses Rose Allatini
Meanwhile the Times Literary Supplement saw the novel as well-written—evidently the work of a woman. The reviewer judged that as a frank and sympathetic study of certain types of mind and character, it is of...
Textual Production Rose Allatini
Editor Jonathan Cutbill speculates: As Cyril Scott records Rose as continuing to write during her marriage there may be another pseudonym to uncover.
Cutbill, Jonathan, and Rose Allatini. “Introduction”. Despised and Rejected, GMP.
The marriage, however, endured at least officially until after the career of...


No timeline events available.


Cutbill, Jonathan, and Rose Allatini. “Introduction”. Despised and Rejected, GMP, 1988.