William Seymour

Standard Name: Seymour, William,, 1587 - 1660


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Arbella Stuart
LAS and William Seymour were married against the King 's express command, at 4 a.m. in her lodgings in Greenwich Palace near London.
Stuart, Lady Arbella. “Introduction and Textual Introduction”. The Letters of Lady Arbella Stuart, edited by Sara Jayne Steen et al., Oxford University Press, pp. 1-113.
Residence Lady Arbella Stuart
LAS fled on foot from Barnet near London, where she was under the care of the physician Thomas Moundford , to join her husband and cross the Channel to Calais.
Stuart, Lady Arbella. “Introduction and Textual Introduction”. The Letters of Lady Arbella Stuart, edited by Sara Jayne Steen et al., Oxford University Press, pp. 1-113.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Isabella Neil Harwood
The first play, Arabella Stuart, is a historical romance set at the court of King James I , following the love affair of Arabella (or Arbella) , the king's cousin and a possible claimant...


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